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Self-publishing doesn't have to mean going it alone! In fact, to avoid costly mistakes and loss of resources, you'd do well to seek assistance from an expert. AskChela is ready to help with a package that will empower you to get it all done on your terms, within your timeframe, specific to your book...without missing important steps in the process (or wasting time and money on unnecessary steps).



So you've decided to go all-in, put on a publisher hat, and completely manage your own project. Good for you! We can help.

What's Included


  • 60-Day Author Services Agreement

  • ​Initial strategy session via Zoom/Google Meet to assess where you are in your writing and publishing journey and build a plan to move forward

  • Customized checklist unique to your project (with deadlines, milestone monitoring, etc)

  • Editor, interior/cover designer, and distribution recommendations as needed

  • One 60-minute Book Marketing Brainstorm session

  • Unlimited email support for the duration of your agreement


Investment: $750

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