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Chela Hardy is a longtime Virtual Author Assistant who guides individuals through the self-publishing process and assists small publisher clients in the role of Publishing Project Manager. As a Virtual Speaker Assistant, Chela offers services to professionals who speak from the stage, facilitate workshops, lead seminar sessions, et cetera.


An award-winning self-published young adult author (writing under a pseudonym), Chela is a member of the International Association of Administrative Professionals, the Women's National Book Association, and the National Association of Women Business Owners.


Avid about empowering Virtual Assistants at any point in their journey to uplevel their entrepreneurial game, Chela also blogs at about building a successful VA practice, sharing with readers and subscribers tips from her personal Business Development binder. Chela has also authored two books and released a planner for administrative planners.


Chela lives, writes, sings, and works from home in North Carolina.

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